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The One Arm Expected Events calculator computes an estimate of the expected events for a planned one-arm study. The program assumes uniform accrual and exponential survival. It allows the user to specify a follow-up period after the close of study accrual. The program default presents a table of expected event totals at timepoints spanning the duration of the study. Alternatively, user can calculate the expected proportion of events at a given time, or the time at which a given proportion of events have occurred. The program will allow the user to specify a percentage of patients that have no risk (‘Percent cured’).

Input Items

The user is prompted for values to the following items. For items that have initial default values set, the values are given in parentheses.

Output Items

For calculations of expected events at given analysis time(s):

For calculations of analysis time for a given number of expected events:


Hazard rate: The hazard rate λ for a survival probability S(t) at time t is computed as follows:


Total probability of event: The probability Ptot of an event for a study with hazard rate λ, accrual time tacc, and follow-up time tfu, is as follows:


Fraction of the total events at time t: At times before the completion of accrual, the probability of an event at analysis time t is

P(Event|t)=Pd|tPtot At times before the completion of accrual, Pd|t is as follows:


At all other times, Pd|t is as follows:


Statistical Code

The program is written in R.

View Analysis Time for a Given Proportion of Total Events Code

function(hazard, medsurv, survtime, survprob, accrual_time, fu_time, N, pct_events, survival_input, pct_cured) {

    if (survival_input == "Median Survival") {
        hazard = -1 * log(0.5) / medsurv
    if (survival_input == "Survival Probability") {
        hazard = -1 * log(survprob) / survtime

    perdeath = function(hazard, accrual_time, fu_tume, time) {
        ptot = 1 - exp(-1 * hazard * fu_tume) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time)
        if (time < accrual_time) {
            pd = ((1 / hazard) * exp(-1 * hazard * time) + time - 1 / hazard) / accrual_time
        else {
            pd = 1 - exp(-1 * hazard * (time - accrual_time)) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time)
        return(pd / ptot)

    aperdeath = function(hazard, accrual, follow, p) {
        v = .5 
        dv = .5 
        x = 0
        while (dv > 1e-6) {
            x = 1 / v - 1
            dv = dv / 2
            if (perdeath(hazard, accrual, follow, x) > p) {
                v = v + dv
            } else {
                v = v - dv

    eea = (1 - pct_cured) * N * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * fu_time) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time))
    analysis_time = aperdeath(hazard, accrual_time, fu_time, pct_events)
    eet = eea * perdeath(hazard, accrual_time, fu_time, analysis_time)

    result = list(hazard = signif(hazard, 2),
                  analysis_time = round(analysis_time, 2),
                  eet = floor(eet),
                  eea = floor(eea))
    return(jsonlite::toJSON(result, pretty = TRUE))

View Expected Events for Given Analysis Time Code

function(hazard, medsurv, survtime, survprob, accrual_time, fu_time, N, analysis_time, survival_input, pct_cured) {

    if (survival_input == "Median Survival") {
        hazard = -1 * log(0.5) / medsurv
    if (survival_input == "Survival Probability") {
        hazard = -1 * log(survprob) / survtime

    perdeath = function(hazard, accrual_time, fu_tume, time) {
        ptot = 1 - exp(-1 * hazard * fu_tume) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time)
        if (time < accrual_time) {
            pd = ((1 / hazard) * exp(-1 * hazard * time) + time - 1 / hazard) / accrual_time
        } else {
            pd = 1 - exp(-1 * hazard * (time - accrual_time)) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time)
        return(pd / ptot)

    pct_eet = perdeath(hazard, accrual_time, fu_time, analysis_time)
    pct_eet_100 = pct_eet * 100
    eea = (1 - pct_cured) * N * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * fu_time) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time))
    eet = pct_eet * eea

    result = list(hazard = signif(hazard, 2),
                  pct_eet_100 = round(pct_eet_100, 1),
                  eet = floor(eet),
                  eea = floor(eea))
    return(jsonlite::toJSON(result, pretty = TRUE))

View Expected Event Table Code

function(hazard, medsurv, survtime, survprob, accrual_time, fu_time, N, time_unit, survival_input, pct_cured) {
  if (survival_input == "Median Survival") {
    hazard = -1 * log(0.5) / medsurv
  if (survival_input == "Survival Probability") {
    hazard = -1 * log(survprob) / survtime
  end_time = (accrual_time + fu_time) * (ifelse(time_unit == 'Years', 12, 1))
  follow_time = (fu_time) * (ifelse(time_unit == 'Years', 12, 1))
  acc_time = (accrual_time) * (ifelse(time_unit == 'Years', 12, 1))
  hazard_months = hazard / ifelse(time_unit == 'Years', 12, 1)
  bymonth = matrix(nrow = end_time, ncol = 5)
  perdeath = function(hazard, accrual_time, fu_tume, time) {
    ptot = 1 - exp(-1 * hazard * fu_tume) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time)
    if (time < accrual_time) {
      pd = ((1 / hazard) * exp(-1 * hazard * time) + time - 1 / hazard) / accrual_time
    } else {
      pd = 1 - exp(-1 * hazard * (time - accrual_time)) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard * accrual_time)) / (hazard * accrual_time)
    return(pd / ptot)
  p_t = perdeath(hazard_months, acc_time, follow_time, end_time)
  eea = (1 - pct_cured) * N * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard_months * follow_time) * (1 - exp(-1 * hazard_months * acc_time)) / (hazard_months * acc_time))
  eet = p_t * eea
  for (i in 1:end_time) {
    Ni = floor(min(N, i * (N / acc_time)))
    p_i = perdeath(hazard_months, acc_time, follow_time, i)
    ee_i = eet * p_i
    pct_i = ee_i / eet * 100
    pct_accr = Ni * 100 / N
    bymonth[i, ] = c(i, round(ee_i,1), round(pct_i,1), Ni, round(pct_accr,1))
  bymonth =
  names(bymonth) = c("TimeinMonths", "TotalEvents", "PercentTotalEvents", "TotalAccrual", "PercentAccrual")
  bymonth$PercentTotalEvents = paste0(bymonth$PercentTotalEvents, "%")
  bymonth$PercentAccrual = paste0(bymonth$PercentAccrual, "%")
  result = list(hazard = signif(hazard, 2),
                event_table = bymonth)
  return(jsonlite::toJSON(result, pretty = TRUE))